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Pediatric Foot Care – What You Should Know

Does your child frequently complain about foot pain or struggle to keep up with their peers? They may be experiencing one of several common foot conditions, like flat feet, heel pain, ingrown nails, warts, or shin splints. It’s essential to address these issues promptly to prevent them from worsening.

Flat feet can cause pain and exhaustion in feet and legs. If your child’s gait has been affected or there is pain in their feet, ankles, or knees, they may have flat feet. Custom orthotics can help treat this by reducing the workload on the foot joints and tendons.

Unlike adults, children can experience heel pain, which can be caused by various reasons. One of the reasons for heel pain in children could be due to issues with their growth plate, which can result in severe pain. Evaluating and treating children with heel pain is crucial to avoid any long-term effects.

Warts are a common problem among children. They can appear suddenly and can be very painful and difficult to treat. Due to the thickness of the skin on the soles of the feet, warts can be very persistent, and freezing alone may not be enough to resolve the issue. A combination of topical medication and debridement is often required to completely remove warts.

Shin splints can occur in children due to increased physical activity, causing pain and inflammation in the muscles close to the bone. Anti-inflammatories and orthotics can help reduce pain and discomfort as children grow.

It may come as a surprise, but children often experience ingrown nails. This issue can be caused by wearing tight shoes, playing sports, or not cutting the nails correctly. It is important to treat ingrown nails right away to avoid infection. If it is a recurring problem, it can be treated in the office by permanently removing the problematic nail border.

If your child is experiencing any foot or ankle-related conditions, it is best to visit a podiatrist for a professional evaluation. Call the friendly My Chicago Foot Expert staff at (773) 561-8100 or click here to schedule an appointment with Cook County podiatrist Stavros O. Alexopoulos, DPM, in our modern, comfortable Ravenswood office today. The foot specialists at My Chicago Foot Expert are dedicated to providing safe, effective, and pain-free treatment options for your child.

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